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Versionsnummer 1.3, sidst opdateret 28/09/2020

Læs venligst disse vilkår og betingelser omhyggeligt, før du accepterer denne aftale, og før du bruger denne side. Sørg for at udskrive disse vilkår og betingelser og opbevare dem til dine arkiver.

  1. Introduktion
    1. Vi anser disse vilkår for at være rimelige. Hvis du har brug for rådgivning vedrørende disse vilkår eller enhver anden del af vores service i dine egne og vores interesser, bedes du kontakte os via vores kundeserviceafdeling via supportlinket på webstedet og din betroede juridiske rådgiver. I disse vilkår og betingelser omtales den licenserede enhed (som er angivet ovenfor ordene 'Betingelser og betingelser for brug', som er placeret ovenfor) som 'Vi', 'Os' eller ethvert andet navn med lignende formål, og du henvises til til som 'kunde', dig, bruger, spiller eller ethvert andet udtryk med lignende formål.
    2. Bemærk venligst, at alle telefonopkald optages digitalt og kan bruges som bevis efter vores eget skøn.
    3. Til transaktionssikkerhed bruger vi SSL-kryptering. Alle kundedata vil blive behandlet fortroligt og vil ikke blive solgt til tredjepart.
    4. Ved at kontrollere 'Jeg accepterer Vilkår og betingelser' boks, når du registrerer en konto, du anerkender, at du har læst, forstået, accepteret og vil overholde alle vilkår og betingelser, og du indgår dermed en juridisk bindende aftale mellem dig og Os. Hvis du ikke er enig i nogen af ​​vilkårene og betingelserne, bør du ikke acceptere dem. Når du har accepteret disse vilkår og betingelser, kan din manglende overholdelse af en eller flere af dem resultere i diskvalifikation, kontolukning og/eller juridiske skridt mod dig, som vi finder passende Open in Google Tra.
    5. Hvor vi har rimelig grund til at mistænke, at to eller flere registrerede konti er forbundet, herunder om de er knyttet til den samme internetprotokol ("IP")-adresse, brugsmønster, nærhed af transaktioner, fælles bankoplysninger eller adresse til fælles eller på anden måde og at de tjenester, der leveres via webstedet, bliver misbrugt af dig på nogen måde, herunder som eksempel på grund af en tidligere uopdaget fejl, fejl eller anden fejl i softwaren, kan vi suspendere de tjenester, der leveres til dig via webstedet og din mulighed for at få adgang til dine konti med øjeblikkelig virkning samt til at tilbageføre transaktioner på en eller flere af de konti, der er forbundet
    6. Ved at bruge dette websted og/eller software accepterer du disse vilkår og betingelser og alle andre vilkår eller betingelser, som vi finder passende at pålægge fra tid til anden.
    7. Disse vilkår og betingelser er skrevet på engelsk. Hvis disse vilkår og betingelser er oversat til et andet sprog, vil den engelske version være gældende.
    8. Din deltagelse i spillene sker efter eget skøn og risiko. Ved at acceptere disse vilkår og betingelser accepterer du, at du ikke finder de tjenester, vi leverer via vores websted og/eller software, stødende, uretfærdige eller tvivlsomme. Du anerkender også, at vi ikke er i stand til at give dig nogen juridisk rådgivning eller hjælpe dig med juridiske spørgsmål relateret til lovligheden af ​​deltagelse i fjernspil.
    9. Alle gebyrer og gebyrer vist i dette dokument er i ("EUR").
    10. Medmindre andet er angivet på de relevante casinosider på webstedet, er minimumsindskudsbeløb 10 AUD/CAD/CHF/EUR/GBP/USD, 100 DKK/NOK/SEK/ZAR, 700 RUB og udbetalingsbeløb er 20 AUD/CAD/CHF /EUR/GBP/USD, 200 DKK/NOK/SEK/ZAR, 1400 RUB
    11. Vi forbeholder os retten til at begrænse adgangen til hele eller visse dele af webstedet med hensyn til visse jurisdiktioner .
    12. Medmindre andet er angivet, refererer det til GMT, når et tidspunkt er nævnt.
    13. Vi forbeholder os retten til at begrænse/afvise væddemål.
    14. Alle annoncerede første indskudsbonusser/velkomsttilbud er underlagt en kontoregistreringskontrol. Efter din registrering er gennemført, er der en automatisk gennemgang af de indtastede kontooplysninger, og systemet kan beslutte, at din konto ikke er berettiget til bonusser. I tilfælde af at din konto ikke er berettiget til bonusser, vil en e-mail med denne beslutning blive sendt til dig, så snart kontoen er oprettet.
    15. Vi forbeholder os retten til at justere minimum/maksimum indsatser i casinoet.
    16. Den eneste godkendte måde at sende bekræftelsesdokumenter på er via siden Upload Docs i Min konto/Personligt område. Dokumenter modtaget af andre veje vil ikke blive accepteret.
    17. I løbet af din tid som kunde vil du blive bedt om at uploade dokumentation, der beviser dit ID, registrerede adresse og ejerskab af visse indbetalingsmetoder. For eksempel når visse tærskler er nået eller før, at en tilbagetrækning kan behandles. Vi opfordrer dig til at uploade disse dokumenter så tidligt som muligt for at undgå en uafbrudt oplevelse.
    18. For at overholde forpligtelserne til bekæmpelse af hvidvaskning af penge og ansvarligt spil, kan vi efter vores eget skøn suspendere enhver spillers mulighed for at indbetale/udbetale/spille som følge af enhver påkrævet kundekontokontrol. Vi kan undersøge en spillers identitet, personlige historie, beskæftigelse, økonomiske status/kilde til midler og/eller spilaktivitet. Under alle omstændigheder, efter en konto-/spilleraktivitetsvurdering, rejses der alvorlige bekymringer i forhold til ansvarligt spil og/eller spillersikkerhed, hvilket berettiger en øjeblikkelig begrænsning af kontoen fra yderligere spil. Eventuelle indsatte midler, der stadig er tilgængelige på kontoen, vil være tilgængelige for udbetaling og eller returneres til spilleren (når dette anses for nødvendigt) inklusive midler indsat for aktuelt aktive bonusser på kontoen.
  2. Juridiske krav for at spille spillet
    1. Du skal være mindst 18 år gammel eller den lovlige minimumsalder i den jurisdiktion, hvor du ser dette websted eller bruger de tjenester, der tilbydes via vores websted, forudsat at minimumsalderen i din jurisdiktion ikke er mindre end 18. Vær opmærksom på at mindreårige spil er ulovligt.
      • Vi forbeholder os retten til til enhver tid at anmode dig om bevis på alder for at sikre, at mindreårige ikke bruger vores tjenester. De dokumenter, vi accepterer som bevis på alder, er:
        • Kopi af pas;
        • Kopi af kørekort; og/eller
        • Kopi af et officielt ID-kort
    2. Kun spillere, der er bosat i lande, hvor spil er tilladt, har tilladelse til at indbetale penge på en rigtige penge-konto eller spille i rigtige penge-tilstand. Spillere fra Storbritannien, Grækenland, Australien, Østrig, Holland, Portugal, Litauen, Slovakiet, Serbien, Singapore, Iran, Tjekkiet, Slovenien, Estland, Rumænien, Republikken Cypern, Italien, Israel, Tyrkiet, den tyske delstat Slesvig -Holsten, Frankrig, Schweiz, Mexico, Spanien, Polen, Rusland, Kina, Pakistan, Ukraine, Danmark, Belgien, Filippinerne og USA har ikke tilladelse til at indbetale penge på en Real Money-konto eller spille i Real Money-tilstand.
    3. Fjernspil er ulovligt i nogle jurisdiktioner. Ved at acceptere disse vilkår og betingelser anerkender du, at du har kontrolleret lovligheden i din jurisdiktion, og at det er lovligt at spille online.
    4. Spillere fra Bulgarien og Slovakiet har ikke tilladelse til at spille nogen af ​​spillene i Live Casino-sektionen i lobbyen.
    5. Ved at spille spillene anerkender du, at du gør det i henhold til de love, der gælder i den jurisdiktion, hvor du ser dette websted og/eller bruger softwaren.
  3. Oplysninger, vi indsamler om dig, og hvordan vi bruger dem
    1. Vi behandler oplysninger om dig i overensstemmelse med voresFortrolighedspolitik. Vores privatlivspolitik er en del af disse vilkår og betingelser og indeholder detaljer om de typer oplysninger, vi indsamler, og hvad vi gør med disse oplysninger, hvilket inkluderer, hvem de kan deles med, og hvorfor.
    2. Vi er berettiget til at dele de oplysninger, vi har om dig, som omfatter personlige data og spilhistorik med tilsynsmyndigheder og andre organer, herunder politiet, og retshåndhævende organer for at efterforske svindel, hvidvaskning af penge spilintegritetsproblemer og for at overholde vores regulerende pligter.
  4. Tildeling af licens
    1. Siden, den downloadbare klient, der er tilgængelig via webstedet, vores apps og webstedet som optimeret til brug på mobiler og tablets, kører alle på en række programmer, som enten er proprietære til os eller er licenseret gennem tredjeparter til at kunne tilbyde dig vores tjenester via webstedet ("Software").
    2. Vi giver dig en licens til at bruge en enkelt kopi af softwaren og hvor relevant den relaterede dokumentation udelukkende i overensstemmelse med og underlagt disse vilkår.
    3. Du må hverken sælge, leje, lease, overdrage eller give nogen anden ret til softwaren eller reverse engineering, dekompilere eller disponere softwaren.
    4. Du må ikke videregive softwaren til nogen tredjepart, lave afledte værker baseret på den eller bruge den til noget formål undtagen til de specifikke anvendelser, der udtrykkeligt er tilladt i brugerdokumentationen, som ledsager softwaren.
    5. Softwaren er kun tilgængelig for dig på "som den er"-basis og uden nogen form for garanti eller godtgørelse af nogen art. Download og/eller brug af softwaren og tjenesterne er på eget ansvar.
    6. Du anerkender hermed, at hvordan du bruger softwaren er uden for vores kontrol. Vi er ikke ansvarlige over for dig eller nogen tredjepart med hensyn til din modtagelse af og/eller brug af softwaren.
  5. Real Money Mode og Practice Mode
    1. Ved at bruge de tjenester, der tilbydes via vores websted, vil du være i stand til at spille i enten 'Rigtige penge' tilstand eller 'Øve sig' mode.
    2. I'Rigtige penge' tilstand, kan rigtige penge satses og vindes. For at spille med 'Rigtige penge' tilstand vil du blive bedt om at have midler på din bonussaldo eller indbetale midler til din konto (som har den betydning, der er beskrevet i paragraf 7) ved hjælp af en af ​​de metoder, der fra tid til anden specificeres af os. Sådanne midler vil blive indsat på din konto ved faktisk modtagelse af midler eller ved modtagelse af godkendelse fra en betalingsbehandler. Minimums- og maksimumsgrænser kan anvendes på betalingerne til din konto, afhængigt af din historik, indbetalingsmetoden og andre faktorer, som udelukkende bestemmes af os. Vi er ikke en bank, og midler er ikke forsikret af nogen statslig instans. Alle betalinger til og fra din konto skal betales i de valutaer, der er angivet i kassen fra tid til anden og skal ikke forrentes. Alle betalinger til din konto skal være fra en betalingskilde, hvor du er den navngivne kontoindehaver.
    3. I'Øve sig' tilstand, spilles der ingen rigtige penge. Midler spillet ind 'Øve sig' tilstand har ingen værdi i sig selv og holdes adskilt fra Rigtige penge midler. Hverken penge eller spilfunktioner (for eksempel, men ikke begrænset til multiplikatorer, bonusspil og bonuspoint) kan overføres til en konto med rigtige penge, og de kan heller ikke indløses til nogen valuta. Hvis nogen spilfunktioner forkert overføres fra øvelsestilstand til rigtig tilstand, vil eventuelle gevinster blive fjernet. Hvis du bemærker overførslen af ​​en spilfunktion fra øvelsestilstand til rigtig tilstand, er det dit ansvar at informere os med det samme.
    4. Det er ikke tilrådeligt at spille 'Rigtige Penge'-tilstand, før du prøver 'Øv'-tilstand. Vi anbefaler, at spillere øver sig i tilstanden 'Øv', før de spiller i tilstanden 'rigtige penge'.
    5. Det er dit ansvar at sikre dig, at du læser og forstår alle regler og procedurer for spillene på webstedet(erne), før du spiller spil med rigtige penge.
    6. Du anerkender hermed, at du ved at vædde risikerer at tabe penge.
    7. Spillernes RTP vises i spillereglerne i hvert spil og kan ændres. Hvis RTP er en vigtig faktor i din beslutning, om du vil spille et bestemt spil, anbefaler vi, at du tjekker spillereglerne, hver gang du spiller.
  6. Brugerkonti
    1. De oplysninger, du giver under kontoregistrering, skal være sande, fuldstændige og opdaterede. Du skal angive dine korrekte oplysninger, en gyldig adresse og kontakt-e-mail i forbindelse med registreringsprocessen.
    2. En bruger må ikke registrere mere end én konto. Dette betyder, at det kun er tilladt at registrere én konto pr. person, husstand, familie, husstandsadresse, e-mailadresse, kreditkortnummer eller delt computermiljø (dvs. bibliotek, arbejdsplads, broderskab, universitet eller skole osv.). Enhver hævning foretaget fra en dubletkonto vil blive betragtet som uautoriseret og vil blive krævet tilbage.
    3. Ethvert forsøg på at forsøge at bedrage os ved at registrere flere konti i et andet brugernavn for at få bonuspenge vil blive betragtet som misbrug og vil resultere i, at kontoen(erne) bliver suspenderet, og bonuspengene fjernes, gevinster annulleret og muligheden for at hæve penge annulleret.
    4. Alle oplysninger, der gives, når du registrerer dig på siden, SKAL være nøjagtige, fuldstændige og ikke vildledende på nogen måde. Vi forbeholder os retten til at bekræfte en kundes adresse på enhver tilgængelig måde, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, at sende et adressebekræftelsesbrev via post til dig, kontakte dig via e-mail, telefon eller live chat. Hvis forsøget på at bekræfte de oplysninger, der blev opgivet under registreringen, ikke lykkes, udbetales ingen gevinster.
    5. Hvis de oplysninger, du angav ved registreringen, ændres, skal du opdatere os og sende os bevis for de nye detaljer.
    6. Der er tre typer "konti":
      • Øvningskonto: En øvelseskonto bruger ikke rigtige penge, og midler brugt til at spille har ingen pengeværdi overhovedet. Dit navn, din e-mail og din adgangskode er de eneste krav for at tilmelde dig en Practice-konto.
      • Bonuskonto: En bonuskonto kræver ikke indbetaling af rigtige penge. Dit navn, e-mail (valideret), adresse, kontaktoplysninger og andre oplysninger er påkrævet for at tilmelde dig en bonuskonto.
      • Konto med rigtige penge: For at ændre status til en konto med rigtige penge kræves der et minimumsindbetalingsbeløb samt de indledende registreringskrav. Minimumskravet til indbetaling kan til enhver tid ændres.
    7. Din konto er kun til personlig brug. Du må ikke videregive dine kontooplysninger til andre eller bruge andres kontooplysninger. Du må ikke sælge, overføre og/eller erhverve konti til/fra andre spillere.
    8. Enhver brug af din konto er udelukkende til dine egne private formål. Du er eneansvarlig for alle transaktioner, der udføres i forbindelse med din konto ved at bruge dit brugernavn og din adgangskode. Enhver person, der identificerer sig selv ved at indtaste dit korrekte brugernavn og adgangskode, eller logger ind på din konto ved hjælp af biometriske login-funktioner, antages af os at være dig, og alle transaktioner, hvor brugernavnet og adgangskoden er indtastet korrekt, vil blive betragtet som gyldige og autoriserede af dig.
    9. Vi påtager os absolut intet ansvar for, at nogen tredjepart får adgang til din konto ved at bruge det korrekte brugernavn og adgangskode, og vi er ikke ansvarlige for tab, som du pådrager dig som følge af en sådan begivenhed. Enhver adgang til din konto med det korrekte brugernavn og adgangskode vil af os blive betragtet som gyldig.
    10. Hvis du bliver opmærksom på uautoriseret brug af din konto, er du forpligtet til straks at give os besked, og vi vil suspendere din konto, indtil yderligere undersøgelse af sådan uautoriseret brug. Hvis du bruger en delt computer, anbefaler vi, at afkrydsningsfeltet for at huske adgangskode altid holdes umarkeret.
    11. Hvis du har en bonuskonto, og du har undladt at foretage en indbetaling inden for 30 dage fra det tidspunkt, hvor kontoen oprindeligt blev oprettet, vil alle rigtige penge/bonusmidler, du havde på kontoen, være ugyldige og ugyldig, fjernet fra kontoen uden mulighed for at hente den.
    12. Din konto er ikke en bankfacilitet. Indbetalinger bør kun foretages med henblik på at bruge midler til at placere væddemål. Skulle du foretage gentagne indbetalinger og udbetalinger uden at placere et tilsvarende antal indsatser, eller placere alle væddemål med lav eller meget lav risiko, forbeholder vi os retten til uden forudgående varsel at overføre eventuelle bankgebyrer (15 % af beløbet) til dine konti. vi har pådraget os, før vi lukker kontoen.
    13. Kontofaciliteter stilles til rådighed for dig udelukkende for at gøre det muligt for dig at placere væddemål eller deltage i poker eller kasinospil. Hvis du af en eller anden grund ser ud til at indbetale eller hæve penge uden ægte spil, vil du være ansvarlig for at få din konto suspenderet og omstændighederne undersøgt. Dette kan resultere i, at en anmeldelse til de nødvendige myndigheder og/eller kontoen lukkes.
    14. Du anerkender og accepterer hermed, at væddemål kan resultere i tab af penge, og at alle tab, du pådrager dig som følge af væddemål via vores tjenester, alene er dit ansvar.
    15. Du kan afslutte tjenesterne på din konto ved at bruge vores spillerbegrænsningstjenester. I tilfælde af, at årsagen bag lukningen af ​​kontoen er relateret til bekymringer om mulig spilleafhængighed, eller du ønsker at forlænge forældelsesfristen, skal du informere os via e-mail, efter du har sat din begrænsning.
    16. Du bekræfter hermed, at du ikke bruger eller har til hensigt at bruge eller har til hensigt at tillade nogen anden person at bruge din konto i forbindelse med vores tjenester til enhver forbudt eller ulovlig aktivitet, herunder, men ikke begrænset til, bedrageri eller hvidvaskning af penge i henhold til lovene i din jurisdiktion eller enhver anden gældende lovgivning i enhver anden jurisdiktion.
    17. Du bekræfter hermed, at du ikke har haft en spillerkonto hos os, der er blevet afsluttet eller suspenderet, og du har ikke meddelt os, nu eller tidligere, at du har en gambling afhængighed.
    18. Du bekræfter hermed, at du ikke med vilje vil afbryde forbindelsen til noget spil, mens du bruger vores tjenester. Hvis vi efter vores eget skøn fastslår, at du er i strid med denne klausul, kan vi afslutte din adgang til vores tjenester øjeblikkeligt og/eller få din konto blokeret. Hvis din konto bliver lukket eller blokeret under sådanne omstændigheder, er vi ikke forpligtet til at refundere dig eventuelle midler, der måtte være på din konto.
    19. Du bekræfter hermed, at du ikke må være involveret i nogen svigagtig, hemmelig samordning, rettelse eller anden ulovlig aktivitet i forbindelse med din eller tredjeparters deltagelse i nogen af ​​spillene.
    20. Du accepterer, at hvis der efter vores mening forsøges og/eller udføres mistænkelige, upassende, svigagtige eller ulovlige aktiviteter gennem brugen af ​​vores tjenester, vil vi være berettiget til at afslutte og/eller blokere din konto og beslaglægge alle tilgængelige midler via den konto. Vi forbeholder os også retten til at videregive alle detaljer om din konto til de relevante myndigheder.
    21. I tilfælde af at du bliver opmærksom på, at en anden bruger af vores tjenester snyder, manipulerer eller forsøger at manipulere spilresultater og -resultater, samarbejder med enhver anden person for at bedrage os, ved at bruge software til kunstig intelligens, eller gør noget, der kan opfattes som skadeligt for os, økonomisk eller på anden måde, er du ansvarlig for at dele sådanne oplysninger med os. Vi vil behandle enhver sådan information, du videregiver til os, strengt fortroligt. I tilfælde af at vi opdager, eller har mistanke om, at du havde sådan viden og ikke videregav den til os, forbeholder vi os retten til at afslutte vores tjenester til dig og konfiskere eventuelle midler, der er på din konto.
    22. VIP-pointindløsning til kontanter er kun tilgængelig for kunder, der har registreret sig før 19/03/2017.
  7. Transaktioner: Indbetalinger
    1. Alle finansielle transaktioner vises på din betalingsmetode.
    2. Efter indbetaling vil du modtage e-mail-bekræftelse af transaktionen. Vi anbefaler, at du udskriver og opbevarer detaljer om alle transaktionsdata for at undgå misforståelser og diskussioner på et senere tidspunkt.
    3. Alle indbetalinger træder i kraft med det samme, så snart vi får en vellykket bekræftelse fra den valgte betalingsprocessor (undtagen bankoverførselsindbetalinger). Efter indbetaling vil du være i stand til at spille med det samme i Real Money Mode. Det er ulovligt at indbetale penge, der stammer fra dårligt skaffede midler.
    4. Bemærk venligst, at dokumentation i form af ID, forbrugsregning/udtog eller kopier af forsiden af ​​dit kreditkort kan være påkrævet efter enhver indbetaling.
    5. Vi forbeholder os retten til at kontakte dig for mundtligt at bekræfte enhver indbetaling.
    6. Vi forbeholder os retten til at annullere alle gevinster, hvis dit navn ikke stemmer overens med navnet på det kreditkort, du bruger. Under sådanne omstændigheder forbeholder vi os retten til at anmode om den nødvendige dokumentation fra spilleren for at sætte os i stand til at udføre de nødvendige identitetsverifikationstjek fra vores side, inden vi foretager nogen handling. Bevisbyrden for, at spilleren havde den nødvendige tilladelse til at fortsætte med transaktionen, påhviler til enhver tid spilleren.
    7. Spillere, der foretager en kreditkortindbetaling ved hjælp af en andens kreditkort, vil blive bedt om at fremvise kopier af kreditkortet, ID-dokumenter fra kreditkortindehaveren og kontoindehaveren og vil blive sendt via e-mail et brev af Myndighedsformular. Denne formular skal underskrives og udfyldes af kreditkortindehaveren og kontoindehaveren.
    8. Vi vil udføre KYC-procedurer, når du foretager en indbetaling.
    9. Et eller alle af følgende dokumenter kan være påkrævet som bevis for identitet:
      • Kopi af id(er)
      • Kopi af kørekort
      • Kopi af forsiden af ​​det kreditkort, der bruges til at foretage indbetalingen (mellem 8 cifre kan være blankt ud)
      • Kopi af opdateret forsyningsregning, der tydeligt viser navn og adresse
      • Kontokontoudtog
      • Formular til bekræftelse af underskrevet indbetaling
      • Kreditkortudtog (som viser de seneste transaktioner, der blev foretaget til os)
    10. Hvis du skulle fremlægge dokumentation som eksplicit beskrevet i afsnit 7 eller 8 i denne aftale, og du har undladt at overholde, kan din konto blive suspenderet, indtil bekræftelsen er fuldført.
    11. Ingen tilbageførsler kan foretages eller iværksættes af dig. Derudover kan betalinger, inklusive indbetalinger foretaget på din konto ved hjælp af en hvilken som helst betalingsmetode/-kilde, ikke give afkald, annulleres, bestrides uden gyldig grund eller på anden måde tilbageføres. Hvis dette sker, forbeholder vi os retten til at foretage en af ​​følgende handlinger eller anmode dig om at træffe øjeblikkelige handlinger, alt efter hvad der måtte være tilfældet, som en nødvendig foranstaltning for at beskytte os mod mulig svigagtig aktivitet eller enhver anden form for misbrug:-
      1. Du skal øjeblikkeligt og uden unødig forsinkelse refundere det samlede beløb, der skal betales til os og kompensere os for ethvert og alle ubetalte beløb, der skyldes os, inklusive eventuelle udgifter eller gebyrer, vi måtte pådrage os i processen med at inddrive skyldige beløb;
      2. Hvis du påbegynder en tilbageførsel, forbeholder vi os retten til at lukke din konto, indlede en retssag for at inddrive de midler, du forsøger at tilbageføre, samt eventuelle gebyrer eller udgifter, som vi måtte pådrage os som en resultat og anmelde sagen til politiet, hvis vi har mistanke om uredelighed;
      3. Vi forbeholder os retten til at inddrive det samlede skyldige beløb fra din saldo på din rigtige pengekonto.
      Forudsat at vi under alle omstændigheder og af en af ​​ovenstående årsager forbeholder os retten til at annullere din konto til enhver tid uden forudgående meddelelse.
    12. Vi kan til enhver tid modregne enhver positiv saldo på din konto eller tilknyttede konto i ethvert beløb, som du skylder os.
    13. I tilfælde af, at der er et behandlingsgebyr for din indbetaling, vil du blive tydeligt informeret om det under indbetalingsprocessen.
    14. Følgende metoder er tilgængelige for indbetaling til din konto. Bemærk, at nogle metoder ikke understøttes i nogle lande, men i casinosoftwaren kan du se de tilgængelige metoder for dit land. Kredit-/betalingskort (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro/Switch/Solo), Trustly, Neteller Skrill, ECOPayz, Fast Bank Transfer, PaySafeCard, Sofort, Instant Payments by Citadel, INTERAC, Webmoney,. Vi forbeholder os retten til at tilføje/fjerne indbetalingsmetoder med øjeblikkelig virkning og uden forudgående varsel.
  8. Transaktioner: Udbetalinger
    1. Udbetalinger vil kun blive behandlet, hvis en spiller har en konto for rigtige penge (dvs. har foretaget mindst én vellykket indbetaling), har givet os (og vi har godkendt) kopier af bevis for adresse, bevis på ID og , afhængig af metode, bevis for ejerskab af den anvendte betalingsmetode, plus bevis for kilden til penge, der er brugt til hasardspil. For at få en uafbrudt spiloplevelse, foreslår vi, at du uploader disse, før du foretager en udbetaling. Spilleren skal også have tilstrækkelig saldo for rigtige penge til udbetalingen og opfylde alle gældende bonuskrav som beskrevet i vores bonuspolitik. Udbetalinger vil kun blive overført til den samme metode, der bruges til indbetalinger, medmindre indbetalingsmetoden ikke tillader udbetalinger
    2. Udbetalinger kan kun foretages baseret på de indledende registreringsoplysninger, som spilleren har givet. Forkerte eller vildledende data i personlige oplysninger og/eller kontaktoplysninger såsom telefonnummer eller e-mailadresse vil medføre, at alle gevinster annulleres. Dette er bortset fra eventuelle sanktioner eller handlinger foretaget af os på grund af ethvert brud på disse vilkår og betingelser.
    3. Det maksimale gevinstbeløb, som en spiller kan udbetale, er €10.000 hver 30. dag. Alle andre gevinster vil blive udbetalt i månedlige rater på €10.000 hver 30. dag. Det maksimale udbetalingsbeløb pr. transaktion er €5.000.
    4. Bemærk også, at hvis der er en stor gevinst (€5000 eller mere), eller jackpotgevinst, kan det tage længere tid at behandle anmodningen for at bekræfte gevinsten (med en tredjepart, hvor det er relevant) og for at fuldføre alle nødvendige kontroller.
    5. Du har ikke tilladelse til at hæve penge, inklusive gevinster, hvis du har aktive bonusser eller ikke har foretaget din første indbetaling. Enhver ubrugt bonussaldo vil blive fjernet i tilfælde af en udbetaling.
    6. Når du foretager en udbetalingsanmodning, betaler vi dig, så vidt det er praktisk muligt, via din foretrukne betalingsmetode. Vi forbeholder os dog retten til at betale dig ved at bruge en eller flere af de betalingsmetoder, der er angivet i kassen, uanset om det er en af ​​dine foretrukne betalingsmuligheder eller andet.
    7. Når en indbetaling foretages via kreditkort, vil alle efterfølgende hævninger, som minimum af det indsatte beløb, blive tilbagebetalt til kreditkortet, hvor det er muligt. Eventuelle penge, som vi ikke kan indsætte på dit kort, vil blive udbetalt til en alternativ metode efter eget valg.
    8. Når en indbetaling foretages via en Online Wallet-konto, vil det indsatte beløb blive tilbagebetalt til den samme Online Wallet-konto.
    9. Enhver betaling af midler til dig fra os kan være underlagt et tillæg til dækning af omkostninger, såsom i tilfælde af bankoverførsler, som vi trækker fra din saldo, før vi behandler udbetalingen. Tillæggene og fortrydelsestiderne, som kan ændres, er som følger:
      • Bankoverførsel - €10,00* (over €500 uden beregning) - mellem 2 og 7 hverdage
      • Kredit-/betalingskort (Visa, Maestro/Switch/Solo) – Gratis – mellem 2 og 7 hverdage
      • Online tegnebøger (EcoPayz, Skrill, Neteller, PaySafeCard) – Gratis – samme dag
      I visse lande har vi mulighed for at behandle udbetalinger via Trustly/Entercash inden for få minutter, forudsat at vi ikke kræver nogen bekræftelsesdokumenter for at behandle udbetalingen. Skulle der være behov for yderligere dokumenter eller oplysninger, vil tilbagetrækningen være afventende, mens vi indsamler oplysningerne fra dig.
    10. Overførsel af penge mellem spillere er strengt forbudt.
    11. Når du har fremsat en anmodning om at trække dig tilbage, vil din anmodning først være afventende indtil midnat GMT den følgende dag. Derefter vil din anmodning blive videregivet til vores kontoafdeling, som vil behandle din hævning i løbet af den næste hverdag, forudsat at de har alle de nødvendige oplysninger til at foretage tilbagetrækningen. Du kan til enhver tid ændre eller tilbageføre din anmodning om at hæve penge, indtil din hævning er fuldført og fuldt behandlet.
    12. Før eventuelle udbetalinger behandles, vil dit spil blive gennemgået for ethvert brud på vilkår og betingelser/bonuspolitik og kontroller af ansvarligt spil. Skulle vi vurdere, at der er sket et brud på vilkårene og betingelserne, eller du har en anden konto, som er begrænset på grund af vores ansvarlige spilleværktøjer/-procedurer, forbeholder vi os retten til at tilbageholde eventuelle udbetalinger og/eller konfiskere alle gevinster og bonusser. Enhver kontakt fra os, der lykønsker en gevinst, betyder ikke, at gevinsten er legitim, og at kontoafdelingen har kontrolleret for brud på bonuspolitikker/vilkår.
    13. I tilfælde af at du vælger at annullere din anmodning inden for den tre dages behandlingsperiode, vil dine penge blive gentildelt til din rigtige pengekonto.
    14. I tilfælde af at du undlader at efterkomme nogen af ​​vores anmodninger om at levere KYC-dokumenter, forbeholder vi os retten til at tilbageføre tilbagetrækningen til din konto.
    15. Tilbagetrækninger vil blive undersøgt i overensstemmelse med enhver eller al gældende lovgivning om bekæmpelse af hvidvaskning af penge og finansiering af terrorisme. Du accepterer fuldt ud, at vi er forpligtet til at rapportere alle mistænkelige transaktioner til relevante finansielle efterretningsenheder og vil i den forbindelse videregive oplysninger om dine personlige oplysninger og ind- og udbetalinger. Hvis vi har mistanke om, eller vores fortolkning af nogen lovgivning eller retningslinjer får os til at tro, at enhver transaktion, du har foretaget, kan være forbundet med hvidvaskning af penge eller finansiering af terroraktiviteter, vil din konto blive frosset sammen med eventuelle indskud, bonusser eller gevinster, som afventer, f.eks. Vi er autoriseret til at frigive dem af de organer eller myndigheder. Vi rapporterer mistænkelige transaktioner til eller på anden måde efter kendelse fra en domstol med kompetent jurisdiktion.
    16. We reserve the right to delay and/or stop the processing of a Withdrawal until final approval has been received for any outstanding Deposit transaction or in the event that your original deposited funds are not received within 24 hours. If the original funds are not received within 24 hours all winnings will be cancelled.
    17. Withdrawal requests are only deemed valid if they are submitted via the withdrawal page in the casino software. We do not accept withdrawal requests via email or telephone, or any other method.
  9. Bonuses
    1. You acknowledge and understand that our terms and conditions with respect to promotions, bonuses and special offers form an integral part of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are set forth in Our Bonus Policy In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Our terms and conditions on promotions, bonuses and special offers, and these terms and conditions, the provisions of such promotions, bonuses and special offers will prevail.
  10. Malfunctions
    1. If a technical problem causes a game/feature/promotion to pay out (or a display issue causes wrong result to be displayed) a higher amount than should be paid (a game win, bonus game win, jackpot win etc) to a player's Account, We reserve the right to remove all funds (or not pay the incorrectly displayed amount) from the Account that were incorrectly credited as well as any winnings subsequently won by using the incorrectly credited funds
    2. If We detect a Player has or is abusing a technical glitch related to the games/software, either on his own or in association with partners, We reserves the right to void any winnings and close the relevant player/s Accounts.
    3. In the event of a system malfunction all wagers shall be void.
    4. In the event a game is started but miscarries because of a failure of the system, We shall refund the amount wagered in the game to You by crediting it to the Your Account or, if the account no longer exists, by paying it to You in an approved manner.
    5. We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that Our system enables Your participation in a game is, after You have made a wager, interrupted by a failure of the telecommunications system or a failure of Your computer system that prevents You from continuing the game, to resume, on the restoration of the system, your participation in the game that was interrupted as at the time immediately before the interruption. If Our system does not enable You to continue, after the restoration of the system, with a game interrupted by a failure of the telecommunications system or Your computer system, We shall:
    6. (a) ensure that the game is terminated; and
      (b) refund the amount of the wager to You by placing it in the Your Account.
  11. Services Suspension
    1. We may temporarily suspend the whole or any part of the Services for any reason at our sole discretion. We may, but shall not be obliged to, give you as much notice as is reasonably practicable of such suspension. We will restore the Service, as soon as is reasonably practicable, after such temporary suspension.
  12. Change
    1. We reserve the right to suspend, modify, remove or add content to the Site or the services offered via the Site at Our sole discretion with immediate effect and without notice. We shall not be liable to you for any loss suffered as a result of any such changes made and you shall have no claims against Us in such regard.
  13. Currencies
    1. The following currencies are available for deposit, withdrawal or play. By default, on account registration we assign the most logical currency according to where we believe you are registering from. There are no facilities to change this currency however if you make a first deposit in any of the other currencies your account currency will be updated to that one. GBP, EUR, CHF, USD, AUD, CAD, DKK, SEK, NOK, ZAR and RUB.
  14. Artificial Intelligence Software
    1. You agree not to use any artificial intelligence software ('AI software') while using the software and/or Site. We will act to detect and prevent the use of any AI software programs that enables you to have an unfair advantage over other players, including, but not limited to, detecting the running of such programs on your computer. In the event that we detect the use of AI software, and at Our sole discretion deem the detection to be valid, your Account will be terminated and all winnings cancelled.
  15. Random Number Generator
    1. You accept and agree that a random number generator will determine the randomly generated events required in connection with the Services and where the result shown on the Software (as installed and operated by your hardware) conflicts with the result shown on our, or our game partners servers, the result shown on our server shall in all circumstances take precedence. You understand and agree that (without prejudice to your other rights and remedies) the Company records shall be the final authority in determining the terms of your use of the Services and you shall have no right to dispute the Company's decisions in regard to such matters.
  16. Abusive or Offensive Language
    1. We will not tolerate any abusive or offensive language or other behaviour considered inappropriate by Us at our sole discretion.
    2. Bad behaviour or language identified by Us or brought to Our attention may result in a suspension or loss of playing privileges or such other action as may be decided by Us, including, but not limited to, Account closure.
    3. It is forbidden for players to use offensive Usernames or Screennames when they register or login.
    4. Players may, at any time, submit information regarding abuse or other offences to Our Customer Support Department for Us to investigate.
  17. Monitoring of the Site
    1. We may electronically monitor the Site and the users of the Site at any time in order to ensure compliance with this Agreement and may disclose any information, record or electronic communication of a user of the Site: (a) in compliance with any law, regulation or lawful governmental request; (b) if such disclosure is necessary for the continued operation of the Site; or (c) to protect Our rights and/or property of Our partners.
  18. Inactive Accounts
    1. If an Account Holder does not log in to his Account for a period of 180 days, his Account will be considered an ‘Inactive Account’, We will remove 5 EUR from the Account as an administration fee each month whilst the Account remains Inactive. The monthly administrative fee is subject to change. If the Account has less than 5 EUR the entire amount will be removed and the balance will be zero. Once the balance reaches zero no more Inactivity Fees will apply.
    2. VIP points must be converted within 180 days of them being granted, otherwise they will be removed.
    3. Players may recover funds from their inactive accounts by logging in and making a withdrawal request. In case of blocked and excluded accounts, players will need to contact Customer Support to recover funds.
  19. Incomplete Games
    1. If you lose internet connection or abandon a game before it is complete (for example during a special mode in Slots, or during a hand in single player Blackjack), you will be able to complete the game by logging back in and opening the relevant game. If you do not do this within 14 days, the game will be closed and any bet will not be returned and any potential winnings will be forfeited.
    2. If a game cannot be completed due to a fault with our gambling system we will extend the period for logging in to complete the game, mentioned in 19.1, to 30 days. If we do not manage to solve the issue within 30 days, any bet you made will be returned.
  20. Customer Support
    1. We will provide Support Service for Our players
    2. Players can send an e-mail to Our customer support department detailing any questions or queries they may have. To facilitate Account identification the email should be sent from the email address which is registered on your Account and should include the username of the Account in question. We reserve the right to perform further identity checks to ensure the person contacting us is the Account holder.
  21. Responsible Gaming
    1. We believe in providing a 'protected entertainment environment'. It is an important part of our overall customer care program. Gambling in a protected environment should be an exciting and pleasurable experience exclusively for adults. We want you to enjoy your experience, so please play wisely and within your budget. Whilst the majority of people do gamble within their means, for some gambling can become a problem.
    2. Deposit Limits: We provide you with the ability to set you own preferred deposit limits within the Cashier Section of our Software. Deposit limits can be set for the following periods:
      • Daily
      • Weekly
      • Monthly
      Any decrease in the amount you want to allow yourself to deposit will be applied immediately to your Account. However if you wish to increase your Deposit Limits, there will be a 24 hour delay before the change takes effect, during which time you can consider if an increase in your deposit limit is appropriate for you.
    3. Play Limitation Facility: We offer a facility within the casino Software to help you if you feel that your gambling is out of control and you would like to restrict the access to your Account. The Player Limitation Facility gives you the option to exclude for a range of options from 24 hours to 180 days. You can choose whether you want the exclusion to effect only the account you are excluding from or whether it should effect all the accounts (current and future) on our license. If you wish to set a longer period please contact customer support who can arrange it for you after applying your limitation. If you have an active exclusion period and would like to make any changes to it, please contact customer support. Note that any changes which make the condition less stringent will require a 24 hours waiting period starting from the time of the request.
      1. Our Player Limitation options involve a joint commitment from Us and you. According to our policy of protecting those with gambling/spending issues, if you choose to exclude from all accounts (current and future) we will take reasonable steps to prevent you re-opening your Account or opening new Accounts. However, during the period of your exclusion, you must not attempt to re-open your account or to try and open new Accounts.
      2. Having implemented reasonable checks and safeguards to ensure Responsible Gaming, whilst player limitations are active you cannot open an Account, We cannot be held liable to you or any third party if you are able to continue to gamble on any account under our license. In that event, any winnings that will be originated during your suspension period will be null and void.
    4. There are many organisations that can provide support and assistance to individuals who develop a problem with gambling. There is a Responsible Gaming section on Our Website with all the details plus you can contact our staff with any concerns/questions you have.
    5. Any deposit limits applied to an account are specific for that account. Should you have other accounts on Our license, it is Your responsibility to apply Deposit Limits on all accounts that you require them on.
    6. When a Player Limitation request is received You are forfeiting your right to any bonuses, Cashbacks or personal offers that were extended to you prior to the Limitation and We reserve the right to remove any accrued VIP points and reduce the VIP level You are on to the lowest level.
    7. Reality Check is a feature which you can have added to your account by contacting the support department and telling them the number of minutes (X) between Reality Checks you would like. You will receive a pop up every (X) minutes you have a game open telling you how long you have been playing, how much your bets are and how much your payouts are. On each message you will have the opportunity to continue playing or log out of the casino.
    8. Time Limit is a feature by which you will be logged out after an interval of time of your choice. If you would like to enable this timer, please contact the customer support department.
  22. Customer Complaints
    1. If you wish to make a claim or complaint, as a first step you should as soon as reasonably practicable contact our 'Customer Support Department’.
      1. We kindly ask you that your complaint/claim will be in writing and contain the following information:
        • Account Username
        • Your First Name and Surname
        • Detailed explanation of your complaint/claim
        • Specific dates and times related to your complaint/claim
    2. If, having spoken to a member of the 'Customer Support Department’, your query or complaint is not resolved, you can ask for the query/complaint to be escalated to a manager or supervisor. Our manager/supervisor will look into your query/complaint in more detail and contact you back with our decision within 96 hours.
    3. If you are still unhappy with the decision made by us, and your issue is related to a Gambling Transaction you are welcome to contact eCogra who are an MGA authorized Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Company, whose ruling shall be binding.
    4. By using the eCogra ADR service you agree to submit your request to them in the format requested on their Site and include all the details they request you to include.
    5. The eCogra policies and procedures, which are detailed on their Site, include the following:
      1. Players must ensure that at least two weeks have passed since the problem began and that all reasonable attempts have been made to negotiate a solution with the approved license holder.
      2. Players may not request assistance if the dispute is being or has been considered by another certified ADR provider or a court.
      3. Players may not request assistance if the dispute arose more than one year ago.
      4. eCOGRA reserves the right to decline any assistance if in eCOGRA’s opinion the dispute is frivolous or vexatious. eCOGRA will within 3 weeks of receiving the dispute inform the player and the appropriate approved license holder, together with the reason, should eCOGRA decline the dispute on these grounds.
    6. You may also lodge a complaint before the Malta Gaming Authority; Address: Building SCM 02-03, Level 4, SmartCity Malta, Ricasoli SCM1001, Malta, Telephone Number: +356 2546 9000, Email: support.mga@mga.org.mt. A Complaint is considered to be a report which includes any aspect of your gaming experience that may be conducted in a manner which is not safe, fair or transparent.
  23. Affiliations or Interest of Directors, Management and Employees
    1. Our employees, managers, directors, agents or consultants and their relatives (including spouse, parent, partner, child or sibling) are not permitted to register or to participate directly or indirectly in any of the Games.
  24. Copyright
    1. All content within this Site, including, but not limited to, text, trade or service marks, graphics, animations, videos, music, audio, logos, icons and images ('Copyright Material') are the property of Us.
    2. Except as specified herein, no portion of the materials on these pages may be reprinted, republished or used in any form without Our express written permission. The user obtains no rights to such copyright material and must not use it without Our written permission.
  25. Links to Third Party Sites
    1. This Site may contain hyperlinks to web sites operated by persons other than Us. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only. You agree not to hold Us responsible for the content or operation of such web sites.
  26. Account Termination and Suspension
    1. If we suspect fraudulent activity, We may suspend your Account, with or without prior notice to you, in Our sole and absolute discretion.
    2. We may, at our sole discretion and for any reason, terminate your Account. If we wish to do so, you will be duly notified and our actions will be explained to you before terminating the Account. Contractual obligations already made shall be honoured.
    3. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any claims or damages arising out of any aforementioned termination or suspension of the Account.
  27. Notices
    1. Any notice We give to you will be sent to the email address that you provided when you registered your Account. It is your sole responsibility to keep your email address updated and active.
    2. Unless otherwise specified herein, such notices or other communications shall be deemed received (a) on the date delivered, if sent by email, and (b) five business days after being sent, if sent by registered or certified mail.
    3. Each of the Parties hereto shall be entitled to specify a different address by giving notice as aforesaid to the other Party.
    4. Any notice You give to Us should be sent to the Customer Support department email address. An email you send which is a reply to a transactional email (eg, deposit confirmation email, bonus confirmation email) is not an accepted form of contact and is not deemed to have been received by Us.
  28. Governing Law
    1. Any dispute arising in respect of, or in connection with, this Agreement, its interpretation, execution, performance, or the Parties and their relationship, shall be governed and determined exclusively in accordance with the laws of Malta, and the courts of Malta shall have sole jurisdiction.
  29. Limitation of Liability
    1. We shall not be held liable for any damages or losses which may arise out of or in connection to any downtime, server or other technical disruptions which might arise in operation or transmission, the Site or its content or any misuse of the same or of the services offered via the Site, any errors or omissions in content, loss or corruption of data, communication or lines failure, unless such loss or damage arises whilst you are benefiting from Our services and such loss or damage arose due to a failure in our systems. In this event Our total aggregate liability shall not exceed the amount of the wagers you placed via your Account in respect of the wager that gave rise to the relevant liability or the actual amount misplaced in your Account where such amount has been misplaced by Us due to a system failure, whichever the case may be.
    2. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from save as expressly provided in this clause 29, or in any way connected with, Your Account, or any third parties, whether direct or indirect, incidental, special or exemplary damages (including, but not limited to, any damages, loss of business profits [including loss of, or failure to receive, anticipated winnings], business interruption, loss of business information, loss of data, loss of goodwill or reputation or any other loss) arising out of, or in connection with, use of the Site or of the services offered via the Site.
    3. Subject to clauses 29.1 and 29.4, such limitation of liability shall apply whether the damages arise from, but not limited to, use or misuse of, and reliance on, the services, inability to use the services, any non-compatibility between the Software and User software or hardware, or any damages caused by or as result of the software, or from the interruption, suspension, or termination of the service (including such damages incurred by third parties), or termination of user Account, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
    4. Our liability shall not be limited or excluded for:
      1. Death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
      2. Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation caused by Us; or
      3. Any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under the applicable law.
  30. Indemnifications
    1. Subject to clause 29, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify Us from and against any third party claim arising from, or in any way related to, your use of the services, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, actual damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs and reasonable legal fees, of any kind and nature. In such a case, We will provide you with a notice of such claim, suit or action.
  31. Entire Agreement, Modifications and Amendments
    1. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all previous and contemporaneous agreements, proposals and communications, written or oral, between Us and You.
    2. Any modifications to the Agreement shall be notified to You and You shall accept the modifications before continuing using Our services. If any future modification is unacceptable to you, you have the right to terminate this Agreement. Any use of the Site by you after such publication on the site shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of such amendments, modifications or new conditions.
  32. Severability
    1. If any provision of this Agreement is found or declared to be invalid or unenforceable by any court or other competent authority having jurisdiction, such finding or declaration shall not invalidate any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall thereafter continue in full force and effect.
  33. Segregated Funds
    1. All players' funds will be kept in a separate bank account from Our ongoing business funds and the players' funds will be protected from third parties' claims even in the event of insolvency. The credit institution is aware of the requirement to separate the players' funds from that of our ongoing business funds and will not to attempt to enforce or execute any charge, write-off, set-off or other claim against the players' funds account, or combine the players' funds with any other bank account in respect of any debt of Ours.
  34. Jackpots
    1. All jackpot amounts displayed on the casino Site or within the casino Lobby are for information purposes only. The amount of any jackpot is displayed within the relevant game window once the game has been launched.
    2. When a jackpot is won it is immediately reset on the server. This happens in real time however the display can sometimes only reset after a short display. Regardless of the Jackpot amount displayed in the game, the server-side Jackpot amount at the time of the win is the award which will be honored.
  35. Taxes on Winnings
    1. If your jurisdiction requires, You are responsible for reporting your winnings and losses to the tax and/or other authorities in your jurisdiction.
  36. Prohibited Practices
    1. Prohibited Practices are not permitted and will constitute a material breach of the Terms of Use. We will take all reasonable steps to prevent and detect Prohibited Practices and to identify the relevant players concerned if they occur. Subject to the above, however, we will not be liable for any loss or damage which You may incur as a result of any Prohibited Practices, and we alone will decide any action we take in respect of any Prohibited Practices.
    2. You agree that You shall not participate in or be connected with any form of Prohibited Practice.
    3. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that You have participated in or have been connected with any form of Prohibited Practice (either detected by us or by our gaming partners and our other suppliers) of any fraud, cheating and collusion practices which are used in the gambling and gaming industry (including but not limited to "Wonging", “Perfect Pair” Card Counting, Dragon Tiger "Suited Tie" Card Counting or any other Card Counting techniques) or
    4. If You have placed bets and/or played online games with any other online provider of gambling services and are suspected (as a result of such play) of any equivalent to any Prohibited Practice on those other gambling services, or other improper activity.
    5. We reserve the right, in respect of Your Account (and/or any other account held by You with an Operator Group company) to withhold the whole or part of the balance and/or recover from the account the amount of any deposits, pay-outs, bonuses or winnings which have been affected by or are in any way attributable to any of the event(s) The rights set out in this paragraph do not affect any other rights (including any common law rights) we may have against You, under the Terms of Use or otherwise.

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LunaCasino.dk drives af Skill On Net Limited, som er godkendt af Spillemyndighederne - et firma registreret på Malta under registreringsnummer C50024 med forretningsadresse: Level 5, Quantum House, 75 Abate Rigord Street, Ta' Xbiex 1120 Malta og drives under licensnummer 16-1066791, der blev bekendtgjort 2017/01/01.

Hasardspil kan være vanedannende, spil venligst ansvarligt.


This site’s operations are regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority and is operated by SkillOnNet Ltd, Office 1/5297 Level G, Quantum House, 75, Abate Rigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex, XBX 1120, Malta, under the gaming license issued by the Malta Gaming Authority (license number MGA/CRP/171/2009/01) issued on 1 August 2018.

Gambling can be addictive, please play responsibly.

Terms and conditions of Use

Version number 1.4, last updated 18/12/2023


Please read these terms and conditions carefully before accepting this agreement and before using this site. Make sure to print these terms and conditions and keep them for your records.


1. Introduction

  1. We consider these terms to be fair. Should you need any advice regarding these terms, or any other part of our service, in your own and our interests, please contact us via our Customer Services Department via the support link on the site and your trusted legal advisor. In these terms and conditions the licensed entity (which is noted above the words ‘Terms and conditions of use’ which is located above) is referred to as ‘We’, ‘Us’, or any other name of similar purport and you are referred to as ‘customer’, you, user, player or any other term of similar purport.
  2. Please note that all telephone calls are digitally recorded and may be used as evidence at Our sole discretion.
  3. For transaction security we use SSL encryption. All customer data will be treated as confidential and will not be sold to third parties.
  4. By checking the ‘I agree to the terms and conditions’ box when you register an account, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, agree with and will comply with all the terms and conditions and you thereby enter into a legally binding agreement between you and Us. If you do not agree with any of the terms and conditions you should not accept them. Once you have agreed to these terms and conditions, Your failure to comply with any one or more of them may result in disqualification, account closure, and/or legal action against you as deemed appropriate by Us.
  5. Where we have reasonable grounds to suspect that any two or more registered accounts are linked including whether they are linked to the same internet protocol (“IP”) address, pattern of use, proximity of transactions, common bank details or address in common or otherwise and that the services provided via the Site are being abused of by you in any way, including by way of example due to a previously undetected fault, bug or other fault in the software, we may suspend the services provided to you via the site and your ability to access your account(s) with immediate effect as well as to reverse transactions on any one or more of the accounts that are linked
  6. By using this Site and/or software you agree to these terms and conditions and any other terms or conditions that We see fit to impose from time to time.
  7. These terms and conditions are written in English. If these terms and conditions are translated into another language, the English version will prevail.
  8. Your participation in the Games is at your sole discretion and risk. By accepting these terms and conditions you agree that you do not find the services we provide through our Site and/or software offensive, unfair or questionable. You also acknowledge that We are unable to provide you with any legal advice or assist you with any Legal queries related to the legality of participation in remote gambling.
  9. All fees and charges displayed in this document are in euro (“EUR”).
  10. Unless otherwise stated in the relevant casino pages of the Site, minimum deposit amounts are 10 AUD/CAD/CHF/EUR/GBP/USD/NZD, 100 DKK/NOK/SEK/ZAR, 700 RUB and withdrawal amounts are 20 AUD/CAD/CHF/EUR/GBP/USD/NZD, 200 DKK/NOK/SEK/ZAR, 1400 RUB
  11. We reserve the right to restrict access to all or certain parts of the Site in respect of certain jurisdictions.
  12. Unless stated otherwise, whenever a time is mentioned it refers to GMT.
  13. We reserve the right to limit/refuse bets.
  14. All advertised first deposit bonuses/welcome offers are subject to an account registration check. After your registration is completed there is an automatic review of the account details entered and the system may decide that your account is not eligible for bonuses. In the event that your account is not eligible for bonuses an email with this decision will be sent to You as soon as the account is created.
  15. We reserve the right to adjust the minimum/maximum bets within the casino.
  16. The only approved way to send verification documents is via the Upload Docs page in My Account/Personal Area. Documents received by any other avenue will not be accepted.
  17. During your time as a customer You will be required to upload documentation proving your ID, registered address and ownership of certain deposit methods. For example, when certain thresholds are reached or prior to allowing a withdrawal to be processed. We encourage you to upload these documents as early as possible to avoid an uninterrupted experience.
  18. At our sole discretion, in order to adhere to Anti Money Laundering and Responsible Gambling obligations, we may suspend any player’s ability to deposit/withdraw/play as a result of any required customer account checks. We may investigate a player’s identity, personal history, occupation, financial standing/Source of Funds and/or gaming activity. In any case, following an account/player activity assessment, serious concerns are raised in relation to Responsible Gambling and/or Player Safety warranting an immediate restriction of the account from further play, any deposited funds still available on the account will be available for withdrawal and or returned to the player (whenever this is deemed necessary) including funds deposited for currently active bonuses on the account.
  19. Historical transactions (deposit/withdrawal/game) are available via the Casino Software. If you require history for a longer period, including up to the time you joined as a customer, please contact customer support.

2. Legal Requirements for Playing the Game

  1. You must be at least 18 years of age, or the minimum legal age in the jurisdiction in which you are viewing this Site or using the services offered via our Site, providing the minimum age in your jurisdiction is not less than 18. Please be aware that underage gambling is illegal.
    1. We reserve the right at any time to request from you evidence of age in order to ensure that minors are not using our services. The documents we accept as proof of age are:
      • Copy of passport;
      • Copy of driving license; and/or
      • Copy of an official ID Card
  2. Only players who are resident in countries in which gaming is allowed are permitted to deposit money into a Real Money account or play in Real Money mode. Players from United Kingdom, Greece, Australia, Austria, Netherlands, Portugal, Lithuania, Slovakia, Serbia, Singapore, Iran, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Estonia, Romania, the Republic of Cyprus, Italy, Israel, Turkey, the German State of Schleswig-Holstein, France, Switzerland, Mexico, Spain, Poland, Russia, China, Pakistan, Ukraine, Denmark, Belgium, Philippines, Bulgaria and the USA are not permitted to deposit any money into a Real Money account, nor play in Real Money mode.
  3. Remote gambling is illegal in some jurisdictions. By accepting these terms and conditions you acknowledge that you have checked legality in your jurisdiction and it is legal to gamble online.
  4. Players from Slovakia are not permitted to play any of the games within the Live Casino section of the lobby.
  5. By playing the Games, you acknowledge that you are doing so according to the laws that apply in the jurisdiction in which you are viewing this Web Site and/or using the software.


3. Information We Collect About You and How We Use It

  1. We process information about you in accordance with our privacy policy. Our Privacy Policy forms part of these terms and conditions and contains details on the types of information we collect and what we do with that information, which includes who it may be shared with and why.
  2. We are entitled to share the information we hold on you, which includes personal data and gaming history with regulators, and other bodies, including the police, and law enforcement bodies in order to investigate fraud, money laundering gaming integrity issues and to comply with our regulatory duties.


4. Grant of License

  1. The Site, the downloadable client available through the Site, our apps and the Site as optimized for use on mobiles and tablets, all run on a series of programs which are either proprietary to us or are licensed through third parties to be able to offer you our services through the Site (“Software”).
  2. We grant you a license to use a single copy of the Software and where applicable the related documentation solely in accordance with and subject to these terms.
  3. You may neither sell, rent, lease, transfer or grant any other right of the Software, nor reverse engineer, decompile, or dissemble the Software.
  4. You may not disclose the Software to any third party, make derivative works based upon it, or use it for any purpose except for the specific uses expressly permitted in the user documentation, which accompanies the Software.
  5. The Software is available to you on an "As Is" basis only and without any warranty or indemnity of any kind. The download and/or use of the Software and Services is at your own risk.
  6. You hereby acknowledge that how you use the Software is outside of our control. We shall not be liable to you or to any third party in respect of your receipt of and/or use of the Software.


5. Real Money Mode and Practice Mode

  1. By using the services offered through our Site, you will be able to play in either the 'Real Money' mode or 'Practice'
  2. In 'Real Money' mode, real money may be wagered and gained. In order to play in 'Real Money' mode you will be required to have funds in your bonus balance, or pay funds into your account (which has the meaning described in clause 7) by any of the methods specified from time to time by Us. Such funds will be deposited into your Account upon actual receipt of funds or upon receipt of approval from a payment processor. Minimum and maximum limits may be applied to the payments into your account, depending upon your history, the method of deposit, and other factors as determined solely by Us. We are not a bank and funds are not insured by any government agency. All payments to and from your Account must be paid in the currencies listed in the cashier from time to time and shall not bear interest. All payments into your account must be from a payment source on which you are the named account holder.
  3. In 'Practice' mode, no real money is played. Funds played in 'Practice' mode have no value in and of themselves and are kept separate from 'Real Money' Neither funds nor any game features (for example, but not limited to Multipliers, Bonus games and Bonus Points) are transferable to a Real Money account nor are they redeemable for any currency. If any game features are incorrectly transferred from Practice Mode to Real Mode any winnings derived will be removed. If you notice the transfer of any game feature from Practice Mode to Real Mode it is your responsibility to inform Us immediately.
  4. It is not advisable to play 'Real Money' mode before trying 'Practice' We recommend players practice in 'Practice' mode prior to playing in 'Real Money' mode.
  5. It is your responsibility to make sure that you read and understand all the rules and procedures of the games on the Site(s) prior to playing real money games.
  6. You hereby acknowledge that by betting you risk losing money.
  7. The games RTP is displayed in the game rules within each game and is subject to change. If the RTP is an important factor in your decision whether to play a particular game we recommend checking the game rules each time you play.


6. User Accounts

  1. The information you provide during account registration must be true, complete and up to date. You must provide your correct details, a valid address and contact e-mail on the registration process.
  2. A user is not allowed to register more than one account. This means only one account is allowed to be registered per person, household, family, household address, email address, credit card number or shared computer environment (i.e. library, workplace, fraternity, university or school etc’). Any withdrawal made from a duplicate account will be considered unauthorised and will be claimed back.
  3. Any attempt to try and deceive Us by registering multiple accounts in another user name to gain bonus money will be deemed as abuse, and will result in the account(s) being suspended, bonus money being removed, winnings voided and the option to withdraw monies cancelled.
  4. All information supplied when you register with the site MUST be accurate, complete and not misleading in any respect. We reserve the right to confirm a customer's address by any means available, including but not limited to posting an address verification letter by mail to you, contacting you by e­mail, phone or live chat. If the attempt to verify the details supplied during registration is not successful no winnings will be paid.
  5. If the details you supplied at registration change, you must update us and send us proof of the new details.
  6. If you wish to terminate your account, you can view your options by visiting and choosing an option from the Player Limitation section of the casino software. In case the reason behind the freezing/closure/limitation of the Account is related to concerns about possible gambling addiction, You shall inform us via email after placing your option/limitation. Please note the process to close/limit your account can only be done online. Requests to support will be answered with the procedure to follow. 
  7. There are three types of “Accounts”:
    • Practice Account: A Practice account does not use real money, and funds used to play hold no monetary value whatsoever. Your name, email and password are the only requirements to register for a Practice account.
    • Bonus Account: A Bonus account does not require the deposit of real funds. Your name, email (validated), address, contact details and other information are required to register for a Bonus account.
    • Real Money Account: In order to change status to a Real Money account, a minimum deposit amount is required as well as the initial registration requirements. The minimum deposit requirement is subject to change at any time.
  8. Your Account is for your personal use only. You may not divulge Your Account details to anyone else or use anyone else account details. You may not sell, transfer and/or acquire accounts to/from other players.
  9. Any use of Your Account is strictly for your own private purposes. You shall be solely responsible for all transactions conducted in relation to your account using your Username and Password. Every person who identifies himself/herself by entering Your correct Username and Password, or logs into Your account using biometric login functions is assumed by Us to be You and all transactions where the Username and Password have been entered correctly will be regarded as valid and authorized by You.
  10. We take absolutely no responsibility for any third party accessing Your Account using the correct username and password and we shall not be liable for any losses incurred by you as a result of such an event. Any access to Your Account with the correct username and password will be considered by us as valid.
  11. Should you become aware of any unauthorized use of Your Account, you are obliged to immediately notify us and we will suspend your Account pending further investigation of such unauthorised use. If you are using a shared computer we advise that the checkbox to remember password is kept unchecked at all times.
  12. In the event you have a Bonus Account and you have failed to make a deposit in 30 days from the time the Account was initially created, any Real Money/Bonus funds you had within the Account will be null and void, removed from the Account without any option to retrieve it.
  13. Your account is not a banking facility. Deposits should only be made with a view to using funds to place bets. Should You make repeated deposits and withdrawals without placing a commensurate amount of bets, or placing all low or very low risk bets, we reserve the right to pass on to your accounts, without prior notice, any bank charges (15% of the amount) we have incurred before closing the account.
  14. Account facilities are provided to You solely to enable you to place bets or participate in games. If you, for whatever reason, appear to be depositing or withdrawing money without genuine play, you will be liable to have your account suspended and the circumstances investigated. This may result in your account being permanently closed.
  15. You hereby acknowledge and agree that betting might result in losing monies and that all losses incurred by You as a result of betting via Our services will be Your sole responsibility.
  16. You hereby confirm that you are not using or intending to use or intending to allow any other person to use your account in relation to Our services for any prohibited or unlawful activity, including but not limited to, fraud or money laundering, under the laws of your jurisdiction or any other applicable laws in any other jurisdiction.
  17. You hereby confirm that You have not held a Player Account with Us that was terminated or suspended, and You have not notified Us, now or in the past, that You have a gambling addiction.
  18. You hereby confirm that you will not intentionally disconnect from any Game while using the Our services. If We determine, in Our sole discretion, that You are in breach of this clause, We may terminate Your access to our Services immediately and/or have Your account blocked. If Your account is terminated or blocked in such circumstances, We are under no obligation to refund You any funds that may be in Your Account.
  19. You hereby confirm that You shall not be involved in any fraudulent, collusive, fixing or other unlawful activity in relation to Your or third parties' participation in any of the Games.
  20. You agree that if, in Our opinion, if any suspicious, improper, fraudulent, or unlawful activities are attempted and/or performed through the use of Our Services, We will be entitled to terminate and/or block your account and seize all funds available through that account.
  21. In the event that you become aware that another user of Our services is cheating, manipulating or attempting to manipulate game outcomes and results, colluding with any other person in order to defraud Us, using Artificial Intelligence Software, or doing anything which can be construed as detrimental to us, financial or otherwise, You are responsible for sharing such information with us. We will treat any such information You pass to Us in the strictest of confidence. In the event that we discover, or suspect, that you had such knowledge and did not pass it on to Us, we reserve the right to terminate Our services to You and confiscate any funds which are in Your account.
  22. VIP Points redemption to cash is only available for customers who have registered prior 19/03/2017.


7. Transactions: Deposits

  1. All financial transactions will show up in your payment method statement.
  2. After depositing, you will receive email confirmation of the transaction. We recommend that you print out and keeps details of all transaction data in order to avoid misconceptions and discussions at a later time.
  3. All deposits will be effective immediately as soon as we get a successful confirmation from the selected payment processor (except for Wire Transfer Deposits). After depositing, you will be able to play immediately in Real Money Mode. It is unlawful to deposit money derived from ill-gotten means.
  4. Please note that documentation in the form of ID, utility bill/statement or copies of the front of your credit card may be required after any deposit.  
  5. We reserve the right to contact you to verbally verify any deposit made.
  6. We reserve the right to void all winnings if your name does not match the name on the credit card you use. In such circumstances we reserve the right to request the necessary documentation from the player to enable us to carry out the required identity verification checks from our end, prior to taking any action. The burden of proof that the player had the necessary authorisation to proceed with the transaction shall vest in the player at all times.
  7. Players who make a credit card deposit using someone else’s credit card will be requested to provide copies of the credit card, ID documents from the credit card holder and Account holder and will be sent via email a Letter of Authority form. This form must be signed and completed by the Credit Card Holder and the Account holder.
  8. We will carry out KYC procedures when you make a deposit.
  9. Any or all of the following Documents may be required as proof of Identity:
    • Copy of identification card(s)
    • Copy of Driver’s License
    • Copy of the front of the credit card being used to make the deposit (middle 8 digits may be blanked out)
    • Copy of up-to-date Utility Bill clearly showing name and address
    • Bank statement
    • Signed Deposit Confirmation Form
    • Credit card statement (Showing the recent transactions which were made to Us)
  10. If you were required to provide documentation as explicitly described in Section 7 or 8 of this agreement and you have failed to comply, your Account may be suspended until verification is completed.
  11. No chargebacks can be made or initiated by you. In addition, payments including deposits made to your Account using any payment method/source cannot be renounced, cancelled, disputed for no valid reason or otherwise reversed. If this happens we reserve the right to take any of the following actions or request you to take immediate action, whichever the case may be, as a necessary measure to safeguard us against possible fraudulent activity or any other form of abuse: -
    1. You shall immediately and without undue delay refund the total amount due to us and compensate Us for any and all unpaid amounts due to us including any expenses or charges We might incur in the process of recovering the amount due;
    2. Should you initiate a chargeback, We reserve the right to close your Account, initiate legal proceedings to recover the funds you are trying to chargeback as well as any charges or expenses which we might incur as a result and report the matter to the Police if we suspect foul play;
    3. We reserve the right to recuperate the total amount due to us from your Real Money Account balance.
      Provided that in any case and for any of the above reasons, We reserve the right to cancel your Account at any time without any prior notification.
  12. We may, at any time, set off any positive balance on your Account, or connected Account, against any amounts owed by you to Us.
  13. In the case that there is a processing charge for your deposit you will be clearly informed about it during the deposit process.
  14. The following methods are available for depositing to your account. Note that some methods are not supported in some countries but in the casino software you can see the methods available for your country. Credit/Debit Card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro/Switch/Solo), Trustly, Neteller Skrill, Payz, Fast Bank Transfer, PaySafeCard, Sofort, Instant Payments by Citadel, INTERAC, Webmoney,. We reserve the right to add/remove deposit methods with immediate effect and without prior warning.


8. Transactions: Withdrawals

  1. Withdrawals will only be processed if a player has a Real Money Account (i.e. made at least one successful deposit), has provided us (and we have approved) copies of proof of address, proof of ID and, method depending, proof of ownership of the payment method used, plus evidence of the source of funds used for gambling. In order to have an uninterrupted gaming experience, we suggest you upload these prior to placing a withdrawal. Also, the player must have sufficient real money balance for the withdrawal and fulfilled any applicable bonus requirements as detailed in Our Bonus Policy. Withdrawals will be remitted only to the same method used for deposits, unless the depositing method does not allow withdrawals
  2. Withdrawals can only be made based upon the initial registration information provided by the player. Incorrect or misleading data in personal details and/or contact details such as phone number or email address will result in all winnings being voided. This is aside from any penalties or actions taken by Us due to any breach of these terms and conditions.
  3. The maximum winning amount that a player can cash out is €10,000 every 30 days. All other winnings will be paid in monthly installments of €10,000 every 30 days. The maximum withdrawal amount per transaction is €5,000.
  4. Please also note that if there is a large win (€5000 or more), or jackpot win it may take longer to process the request in order to verify the win (with a third party where relevant) and to complete all required checks.
  5. You are not permitted withdraw any funds including winnings if you have active bonuses or have not made your first deposit. Any unused bonus balance will be removed in the event of a withdrawal.
  6. When you make a withdrawal request, We shall insofar as practical pay you via your preferred payment method. However We reserve the right to pay you using any one or more of the payment methods listed in the cashier, whether it is one of your preferred payment options or otherwise.
  7. When a deposit is made via Credit Card, all subsequent withdrawals at least of the amount deposited will be paid back to the Credit Card where possible. Any money We can’t deposit to your card will be paid to an alternative method of your choice.
  8. When a deposit is made via an Online Wallet account, the amount deposited will be paid back to that same Online Wallet account.
  9. Any payments of funds made to you from Us may be subject to a surcharge to cover costs, such as in the case of Wire Transfers, which We will deduct from your balance before processing the withdrawal. The surcharges, and withdrawal times, which are subject to change, are as follows:
    1. Wire Transfer -  €10.00* (over €500 no charge)
    2. Credit/Debit cards (Visa, Maestro/Switch/Solo) - No charge
    3. Online Wallets (Payz, Skrill, Neteller, PaySafeCard) – No charge
      In certain countries we have the ability to process withdrawals via Trustly/Entercash within a few minutes, providing we do not require any verification documents to process the withdrawal. Should any further documents or information be needed, the withdrawal will be pending while we gather the information from you.
  10. Transfer of funds between players is strictly forbidden.
  11. Once you have made a request to withdraw, your request will first be pending until midnight GMT the following day. Thereafter your request will be passed to Our Accounts Department who will process your withdrawal during the next business day provided they have all the information required to make the withdrawal. You may modify or reverse your request to withdraw funds at any time until your withdrawal has been completed and fully processed. Once fully processed, your funds are immediately sent to your account without any delays.
  12. Before any withdrawals are processed, your play will be reviewed for any breach of terms and conditions/bonus policy and Responsible Gaming checks. Should We deem that a breach of the terms and conditions has occurred, or you have another account which is restricted due to our Responsible gaming tools/procedures, We reserve the right to withhold any withdrawals and/or confiscate all winnings and bonuses. Any contact by Us congratulating any win does not mean the win is legitimate and that the Accounts Department have checked for bonus policy/terms breaches.
  13. In the event that you choose to cancel your request within the three day processing period, your funds will be re-allocated to your Real Money Account.
  14. In the event that you fail to comply with any of our requests to provide KYC documents, we reserve the right to reverse the withdrawal back into your Account.
  15. We reserve the right to delay and/or stop the processing of a Withdrawal until final approval has been received for any outstanding Deposit transaction or in the event that your original deposited funds are not received within 24 hours. If the original funds are not received within 24 hours all winnings will be cancelled
  16. Withdrawal requests are only deemed valid if they are submitted via the withdrawal page in the casino software. We do not accept withdrawal requests via email or telephone, or any other method.
  17. In the event a withdrawal is rejected or incomplete due to missing information, your funds will be returned back to your Real Money Balance. You are advised to provide the necessary information and proceed to submit a new withdrawal request.


9. Bonuses

  1. You acknowledge and understand that our terms and conditions with respect to promotions, bonuses and special offers form an integral part of these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions are set forth in Our Bonus policy In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Our terms and conditions on promotions, bonuses and special offers, and these terms and conditions, the provisions of such promotions, bonuses and special offers will prevail.


10. Malfunctions

  1. If a technical problem causes a game/feature/promotion to pay out (or a display issue causes wrong result to be displayed) a higher amount than should be paid (a game win, bonus game win, jackpot win etc) to a player's Account, We reserve the right to remove all funds (or not pay the incorrectly displayed amount) from the Account that were incorrectly credited as well as any winnings subsequently won by using the incorrectly credited funds
  2. If We detect a Player has or is abusing a technical glitch related to the games/software, either on his own or in association with partners, We reserve the right to void any winnings and close the relevant player/s Accounts.
  3. In the event of a system malfunction all wagers shall be void.
  4. In the event a game is started but miscarries because of a failure of the system, We shall refund the amount wagered in the game to You by crediting it to the Your Account or, if the account no longer exists, by paying it to You in an approved manner.
  5. We shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that Our system enables Your participation in a game is, after You have made a wager, interrupted by a failure of the telecommunications system or a failure of Your computer system that prevents You from continuing the game, to resume, on the restoration of the system, your participation in the game that was interrupted as at the time immediately before the interruption. If Our system does not enable You to continue, after the restoration of the system, with a game interrupted by a failure of the telecommunications system or Your computer system, We shall:
    1. ensure that the game is terminated; and
    2. refund the amount of the wager to You by placing it in the Your Account.


11. Services Suspension

  1. We may temporarily suspend the whole or any part of the Services for any reason at our sole discretion. We may, but shall not be obliged to, give you as much notice as is reasonably practicable of such suspension. We will restore the Service, as soon as is reasonably practicable, after such temporary suspension.


12. Change

  1. We reserve the right to suspend, modify, remove or add content to the Site or the services offered via the Site at Our sole discretion with immediate effect and without notice. We shall not be liable to you for any loss suffered as a result of any such changes made and you shall have no claims against Us in such regard.


13. Currencies

  1. The following currencies are available for deposit, withdrawal or play. By default, on account registration we assign the most logical currency according to where we believe you are registering from. There are no facilities to change this currency however if you make a first deposit in any of the other currencies your account currency will be updated to that one. GBP, EUR, CHF, USD, AUD, CAD, DKK, SEK, NOK, ZAR and RUB.


14. Artificial Intelligence Software

  1. You agree not to use any artificial intelligence software ('AI software') while using the software and/or Site. We will act to detect and prevent the use of any AI software programs that enables you to have an unfair advantage over other players, including, but not limited to, detecting the running of such programs on your computer. In the event that we detect the use of AI software, and at Our sole discretion deem the detection to be valid, your Account will be terminated and all winnings cancelled.


15. Random Number Generator

  1. You accept and agree that a random number generator will determine the randomly generated events required in connection with the Services and where the result shown on the Software (as installed and operated by your hardware) conflicts with the result shown on our, or our game partners servers, the result shown on our server shall in all circumstances take precedence. You understand and agree that (without prejudice to your other rights and remedies) the Company records shall be the final authority in determining the terms of your use of the Services and you shall have no right to dispute the Company's decisions in regard to such matters.


16. Abusive or Offensive Language

  1. We will not tolerate any abusive or offensive language or other behaviour considered inappropriate by Us at our sole discretion.
  2. Bad behaviour or language identified by Us or brought to Our attention may result in a suspension or loss of playing privileges or such other action as may be decided by Us, including, but not limited to, Account closure.
  3. It is forbidden for players to use offensive Usernames or Screennames when they register or login.
  4. Players may, at any time, submit information regarding abuse or other offences to Our Customer Support Department for Us to investigate.


17. Monitoring of the Site

  1. We may electronically monitor the Site and the users of the Site at any time in order to ensure compliance with this Agreement and may disclose any information, record or electronic communication of a user of the Site: (a) in compliance with any law, regulation or lawful governmental request; (b) if such disclosure is necessary for the continued operation of the Site; or (c) to protect Our rights and/or property of Our partners.


18. Inactive Accounts

  1. If an Account Holder does not log in to his Account for a period of 180 days, his Account will be considered an ‘Inactive Account’, We will remove 5 EUR from the Account as an administration fee each month whilst the Account remains Inactive. The monthly administrative fee is subject to change. If the Account has less than 5 EUR the entire amount will be removed and the balance will be zero. Once the balance reaches zero no more Inactivity Fees will apply.
  2. VIP points must be converted within 180 days of them being granted, otherwise they will be removed.
  3. Players may recover funds from their inactive accounts by logging in and making a withdrawal request. In case of blocked and excluded accounts, players will need to contact Customer Support to recover funds.


19. Incomplete Games

  1. If you lose internet connection or abandon a game before it is complete (for example during a special mode in Slots, or during a hand in single player Blackjack), you will be able to complete the game by logging back in and opening the relevant game. If you do not do this within 14 days, the game will be closed and any bet will not be returned and any potential winnings will be forfeited.
  2. If a game cannot be completed due to a fault with our gambling system we will extend the period for logging in to complete the game, mentioned in 19.1, to 30 days. If we do not manage to solve the issue within 30 days, any bet you made will be returned.


20. Customer Support

  1. We will provide Support Service for Our players
  2. Players can send an e-mail to Our customer support department detailing any questions or queries they may have. To facilitate Account identification the email should be sent from the email address which is registered on your Account and should include the username of the Account in question. We reserve the right to perform further identity checks to ensure the person contacting us is the Account holder.


21. Responsible Gaming

  1. We believe in providing a 'protected entertainment environment'. It is an important part of our overall customer care program. Gambling in a protected environment should be an exciting and pleasurable experience exclusively for adults. We want you to enjoy your experience, so please play wisely and within your budget. Whilst the majority of people do gamble within their means, for some gambling can become a problem.
  2. Deposit Limits: We provide you with the ability to set you own preferred deposit limits within the Cashier Section of our Software. Deposit limits can be set for the following periods:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
      Any decrease in the amount you want to allow yourself to deposit will be applied immediately to your Account. However if you wish to increase your Deposit Limits, there will be a 24 hour delay before the change takes effect, during which time you can consider if an increase in your deposit limit is appropriate for you.
  3. Play Limitation Facility: Please note that this procedure can only be performed online. Any requests to support will be followed by you receiving the procedure to do so. If you need to restrict your account due to you facing issues related to gambling, please let us know when you contact us. We offer a facility to help you if you feel that your gambling is out of control and you would like to restrict the access to your Account. The Player Limitation Facility gives you the option to exclude for a range of options from 24 hours to Indefinite. You can choose whether you want the exclusion to effect only the account you are excluding from or whether it should effect all the accounts (current and future) on our license. If you choose to Self-Exclude and would like it to be an indefinite exclusion or increase the length please contact support following placing your exclusion to request an indefinite exclusion. If you have an active exclusion period and would like to revoke it, please follow the instructions following logging into the casino.
    1. Our Player Limitation options involve a joint commitment from Us and you. According to our policy of protecting those with gambling/spending issues, if you choose to exclude from all accounts (current and future) we will take reasonable steps to prevent you re-opening your Account or opening new Accounts. However, during the period of your exclusion, you must not attempt to re-open your account or to try and open new Accounts.
    2. Having implemented reasonable checks and safeguards to ensure Responsible Gaming, whilst player limitations are active you cannot open an Account, We cannot be held liable to you or any third party if you are able to continue to gamble on any account under our license. In that event, any winnings that will be originated during your suspension period will be null and void.
  4. There are many organisations that can provide support and assistance to individuals who develop a problem with gambling. There is a Responsible Gaming section on Our Website with all the details plus you can contact our staff with any concerns/questions you have.
  5. Any deposit limits applied to an account are specific for that account. Should you have other accounts on Our license, it is Your responsibility to apply Deposit Limits on all accounts that you require them on.
  6. When a Player Limitation request is received You are forfeiting your right to any bonuses, Cashbacks or personal offers that were extended to you prior to the Limitation and We reserve the right to remove any accrued VIP points and reduce the VIP level You are on to the lowest level.
  7. Game Status Reminder: You can set the number of minutes you will receive a pop-up notification while playing a game, displaying the duration of your gameplay, the amount of your bets, and the value of your payouts. With each notification, you will have the option to either continue playing or log out of the casino. 
    You can set yourself a Game Status Reminder within your Personal Area of our software. Game Status Reminders can be set for the following periods:
    •    15 minutes
    •    30 minutes
    •    45 minutes
    •    60 minutes
  8. Time Limit is a feature by which you will be logged out after an interval of time of your choice. If you would like to enable this timer, please contact the customer support department.


22. Customer Complaints

  1. If you wish to make a claim or complaint, as a first step you should as soon as reasonably practicable contact our 'Customer Support Department’.
    1. We kindly ask you that your complaint/claim will be in writing and contain the following information:
      • Account Username
      • Your First Name and Surname
      • Detailed explanation of your complaint/claim
      • Specific dates and times related to your complaint/claim
  2. If, having spoken to a member of the 'Customer Support Department’, your query or complaint is not resolved, you can ask for the query/complaint to be escalated to a manager or supervisor. Our manager/supervisor will look into your query/complaint in more detail and contact you back with our decision within 96 hours.
  3. If you are still unhappy with the decision made by us, and your issue is related to a Gambling Transaction you are welcome to contact eCOGRA who are an MGA authorized Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Company, whose ruling shall be binding.
  4. By using the eCOGRA ADR service you agree to submit your request to them in the format requested on their Site and include all the details they request you to include.
  5. The eCOGRA policies and procedures, which are detailed on their Site, include the following:
    1. Players must ensure that at least two weeks have passed since the problem began and that all reasonable attempts have been made to negotiate a solution with the approved license holder.
    2. Players may not request assistance if the dispute is being or has been considered by another certified ADR provider or a court.
    3. Players may not request assistance if the dispute arose more than one year ago.
    4. eCOGRA reserves the right to decline any assistance if in eCOGRA’s opinion the dispute is frivolous or vexatious. eCOGRA will within 3 weeks of receiving the dispute inform the player and the appropriate approved license holder, together with the reason, should eCOGRA decline the dispute on these grounds.
  6. You may also lodge a complaint before the Malta Gaming Authority; Address: Building SCM 02-03, Level 4, SmartCity Malta, Ricasoli SCM1001, Malta, Telephone Number: +356 2546 9000. A Complaint is considered to be a report which includes any aspect of your gaming experience that may be conducted in a manner which is not safe, fair or transparent.


23. Affiliations or Interest of Directors, Management and Employees

  1. Our employees, managers, directors, agents or consultants and their relatives (including spouse, parent, partner, child or sibling) are not permitted to register or to participate directly or indirectly in any of the Games.


24. Copyright

  1. All content within this Site, including, but not limited to, text, trade or service marks, graphics, animations, videos, music, audio, logos, icons and images ('Copyright Material') are the property of Us.
  2. Except as specified herein, no portion of the materials on these pages may be reprinted, republished or used in any form without Our express written permission. The user obtains no rights to such copyright material and must not use it without Our written permission.


25. Links to Third Party Sites

  1. This Site may contain hyperlinks to web sites operated by persons other than Us. Such hyperlinks are provided for your reference and convenience only. You agree not to hold Us responsible for the content or operation of such web sites.


26. Account Termination and Suspension

  1. If we suspect fraudulent activity, We may suspend your Account, with or without prior notice to you, in Our sole and absolute discretion.
  2. We may, at our sole discretion and for any reason, terminate your Account. If we wish to do so, you will be duly notified and our actions will be explained to you before terminating the Account. Contractual obligations already made shall be honoured.
  3. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any claims or damages arising out of any aforementioned termination or suspension of the Account.


27. Notices

  1. Any notice We give to you will be sent to the email address that you provided when you registered your Account. It is your sole responsibility to keep your email address updated and active.
  2. Unless otherwise specified herein, such notices or other communications shall be deemed received (a) on the date delivered, if sent by email, and (b) five business days after being sent, if sent by registered or certified mail.
  3. Each of the Parties hereto shall be entitled to specify a different address by giving notice as aforesaid to the other Party.
  4. Any notice You give to Us should be sent to the Customer Support department email address. An email you send which is a reply to a transactional email (e.g. deposit confirmation email, bonus confirmation email) is not an accepted form of contact and is not deemed to have been received by Us.
  5. If you suspect/notice an abnormality on your account of any kind you must notify our Customer Support Dept and stop playing until the issue is handled and confirmed to be remedied. If you continue to play before the issue is resolved, we shall have no liability for further losses and no funds will be refunded retrospectively.


28. Governing Law

  1. Any dispute arising in respect of, or in connection with, this Agreement, its interpretation, execution, performance, or the Parties and their relationship, shall be governed and determined exclusively in accordance with the laws of Malta, and the courts of Malta shall have sole jurisdiction.


29. Limitation of Liability

  1. We shall not be held liable for any damages or losses which may arise out of or in connection to any downtime, server or other technical disruptions which might arise in operation or transmission, the Site or its content or any misuse of the same or of the services offered via the Site, any errors or omissions in content, loss or corruption of data, communication or lines failure, unless such loss or damage arises whilst you are benefiting from Our services and such loss or damage arose due to a failure in our systems. In this event Our total aggregate liability shall not exceed the amount of the wagers you placed via your Account in respect of the wager that gave rise to the relevant liability or the actual amount misplaced in your Account where such amount has been misplaced by Us due to a system failure, whichever the case may be.     
  2. We shall not be liable to you or any third party for any contract, tort, negligence, or otherwise, for any loss or damage whatsoever arising from save as expressly provided in this clause 29, or in any way connected with, Your Account, or any third parties, whether direct or indirect, incidental, special or exemplary damages (including, but not limited to, any damages, loss of business profits [including loss of, or failure to receive, anticipated winnings], business interruption, loss of business information, loss of data, loss of goodwill or reputation or any other loss) arising out of, or in connection with, use of the Site or of the services offered via the Site.
  3. Subject to clauses 29.1 and 29.4, such limitation of liability shall apply whether the damages arise from, but not limited to, use or misuse of, and reliance on, the services, inability to use the services, any non-compatibility between the Software and User software or hardware, or any damages caused by or as result of the software, or from the interruption, suspension, or termination of the service (including such damages incurred by third parties), or termination of user Account, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
  4. Our liability shall not be limited or excluded for:
    1. Death or personal injury caused by our negligence;
    2. Fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation caused by Us; or
    3. Any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under the applicable law.


30. Indemnifications

  1. Subject to clause 29, you agree to hold harmless and indemnify Us from and against any third party claim arising from, or in any way related to, your use of the services, including any liability or expense arising from all claims, losses, actual damages, suits, judgments, litigation costs and reasonable legal fees, of any kind and nature. In such a case, We will provide you with a notice of such claim, suit or action.


31. Entire Agreement, Modifications and Amendments

  1. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter contained herein and supersedes all previous and contemporaneous agreements, proposals and communications, written or oral, between Us and You.
  2. Any modifications to the Agreement shall be notified to You and You shall accept the modifications before continuing using Our services. If any future modification is unacceptable to you, you have the right to terminate this Agreement. Any use of the Site by you after such publication on the site shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of such amendments, modifications or new conditions.


 32. Severability

  1. If any provision of this Agreement is found or declared to be invalid or unenforceable by any court or other competent authority having jurisdiction, such finding or declaration shall not invalidate any other provision hereof, and this Agreement shall thereafter continue in full force and effect.


33. Segregated Funds

  1. All players’ funds will be kept in a separate bank account from Our ongoing business funds and the players’ funds will be protected from third parties’ claims even in the event of insolvency. The credit institution is aware of the requirement to separate the players’ funds from that of our ongoing business funds and will not to attempt to enforce or execute any charge, write-off, set-off or other claim against the players’ funds account, or combine the players’ funds with any other bank account in respect of any debt of Ours.


34. Jackpots

  1. All jackpot amounts displayed on the casino Site or within the casino Lobby are for information purposes only. The amount of any jackpot is displayed within the relevant game window once the game has been launched.
  2. When a jackpot is won it is immediately reset on the server. This happens in real time however the display can sometimes only reset after a short display. Regardless of the Jackpot amount displayed in the game, the server-side Jackpot amount at the time of the win is the award which will be honored.


35. Taxes on Winnings

  1. If your jurisdiction requires, You are responsible for reporting your winnings and losses to the tax and/or other authorities in your jurisdiction.


36. Prohibited Practices

  1. Prohibited Practices are not permitted and will constitute a material breach of the Terms of Use. We will take all reasonable steps to prevent and detect Prohibited Practices and to identify the relevant players concerned if they occur. Subject to the above, however, we will not be liable for any loss or damage which You may incur as a result of any Prohibited Practices, and we alone will decide any action we take in respect of any Prohibited Practices.
  2. You agree that You shall not participate in or be connected with any form of Prohibited Practice.
  3. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that You have participated in or have been connected with any form of Prohibited Practice (either detected by us or by our gaming partners and our other suppliers) of any fraud, cheating and collusion practices which are used in the gambling and gaming industry (including but not limited to "Wonging", "Opposite Betting", “Perfect Pair” Card Counting, Dragon Tiger "Suited Tie" Card Counting or any other Card Counting techniques) or
  4. If You have placed bets and/or played online games with any other online provider of gambling services and are suspected (as a result of such play) of any equivalent to any Prohibited Practice on those other gambling services, or other improper activity.
  5. We reserve the right, in respect of Your Account (and/or any other account held by You with an Operator Group company) to withhold the whole or part of the balance and/or recover from the account the amount of any deposits, pay-outs, bonuses or winnings which have been affected by or are in any way attributable to any of the event(s) The rights set out in this paragraph do not affect any other rights (including any common law rights) we may have against You, under the Terms of Use or otherwise.